Token Distribution, Dojo Keys and Vrumble Ecosystem

Vrumble has a few token types: ERC721: 1000 Vrumblers original total capped(7,777), currently 1000 cap. v5-p2: Vrumblers The remaining non-minted Vrumblers will be minted to COMMUNITY WALLET. 15,000 RiftSparkles(burnable), soft capped (more can be produced through Sponsorship Bundle Buys and Crystalization) v5-p2: Anointing, Rift Sparkles, & Sponsorship ERC20: SUJI is the game utility token that we use to do upgrades and various other ingame mechanics.

Currently the only real minting of SUJI is done through Staking of Vrumblers and a couple other minor actions. 82,029 is currently in circulation.

2.4 Billion SUJI total capped to the contract.- This is deployed. There are some burn mechanisms.

For Vrumble 5 we have reworked the tokenomics a bit to better work with our new SoFi Capabilities so distribution will be as follows:


960M // 50 AVAX

We will newly mint 11,703x the current circulating supply to -> 960M SUJI This 960M SUJI will be provided into a LP on Traderjoes. along with 50 AVAX to build up the LP.

TEAM TREASURY: VrumbleVest Contract

480M SUJI newly minted

An initial: 50M sent to devs, the rest linearly vested over 1 year to TESUJI TREASURY


48M SUJI minted

held in Community Wallet - used for various community incentives.


1.488 Billion SUJI

NO more will be minted from SUJI other then through Staking.

STAKING: VrumbleDojo Contract capped at: 20% of 2.4B total cap: Vrumbler Staking/Sponsors (distributed to Sponsor of Sponsored Collections on Anoint, Staked Vrumblers through Claim & Spar) Max emission of 100 SUJI a day per Vrumbler. This emission can be lower, and is currently 0. (hypothetically if all Vrumblers are later minted out... 1000cap - then 100K SUJI could be Stake minted each day + the actions from Sponsorship) This means that with a 2.4Billion total cap, 1.488B minted at Vrumble: BattleFi Launch , there is headroom for an additional 480M in SUJI emissions. But that is completely bound by Vrumbler staking at an emission max potential of around 100K SUJI a day) NOTE: SUJI is also burnt/consumed through various NFT upgrade paths... (crystalization, mystic raise etc..) DOJO Keys: BattlePool contract For each Dojo key that is traded. An AVAX fee of:

  • 5% -> TESUJI TREASURE which is then split

    • 50% -> Tesuji Fee. (sent to Tesuji Treasury)

    • 50% -> To market buy SUJI from SUJI/AVAX liquidity Pool and assigned a Game Win BinIndex (aka a Game Season) <- you will see this

  • 2% -> Key Subject (aka the dojo key influencer that is being bought or sold)

    • (optional, if onboardingReferrer is set then 2% of the Key Subject fee goes to onboarding referrer)

  • 1% -> NFT referral (what ever NFT contract the dojo key influencer has set)

Total of 7% fee on each Trade of Dojo Keys

The following is the Partial SUJI Game Token Ecosystem Cycle:

Last updated